Most GPS systems have our area mapped wrong, so please follow the directions below or you will likely be taken down some remote logging road in the middle of no where and find yourself lost, confused, frustrated, and late! Please note Cobb Hill Estate is private and by invitation only.

After you turn off Prospect Street onto the gravel mountain road, follow signs for Cobb Hill Estate over the next 1.5 Miles.
Note that the mountain road can be bumpy at times.
Please note that Cobb Hill Estate is PRIVATE property and accessible by invitation or appointment only!
Most GPS systems have our area mapped wrong, so please follow the directions below or you will likely be taken down some remote logging road in the middle of no where and find yourself lost, confused, frustrated, and late!
The simplest thing to do is get your self (via GPS or traditional map) to 49 Prospect Street, Harrisville, NH which will take you to the base of Cobb Hill Road, where you will see signs for Cobb Hill Estate that you can follow.
Note: From downtown Harrisville, go up Prospect street (a dead end), as if you are going to the end of Prospect street, where you will see a sign on your left for Cobb Hill Estate. Also look for a cairn (pile of rocks typically seen marking a mountain-top hiking trail). Turn left at the sign and follow the cairns and Cobb Hill Estate signs for about 1.5 miles. You will know you have reached your destination when you are looking out over Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Vermont!